Black Scout Interviews- Chance Sanders- Surviving Civil Unrest DVD

We were able to take a few minutes and talk to Chance about his instructional DVD known as Surviving Civil Unrest. In this interview- we gained some insight on his background, his thought process, and what ultimately led him to filming this video.

We had a chance to watch the DVD and we were really impressed with the concept and film work. Many instructional videos I've seen in the past were somewhat dry and this video really kept my attention. It's almost movie/instructional and the content was conveyed well.

I don't want to give too much away from the DVD, but its basically a survival guide for someone in an Urban Survival/Civil Unrest situation. The video follows Chance through a chain of events where he uses his experience, military, and survival training to make decisions and leads the viewer to learn along the way. He teaches you how to develop plans and preparations.

We talk a lot about Urban Survival here on Black Scout Survival, and if its of interest to you- I highly recommend you purchasing Surviving Civil Unrest.

Surviving Civil Unrest retails for $45 and can be purchased at the Amazon link below.

Watch the video intro below

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