EDC Pocket Dump Entry #1

This is the first contestant entry from Todd whose currently working in the Jungles of Peru. Below is a list of Todd's loadout and a description of the items and why he chose them.

What I carry:
1 Emerson CQC7 SN#895 - ( 2009 big purchase - used )  A little cord in case of emergency. 
1 Velcro wallet- Leather rots in the jungle and plastic/vinyl is sufficiently nondescript as well as weather resistant. It houses minimal cash, govt req ID, and lock pick set. Also if I have to throw it I can empty it fast and leave it with no remorse to throwing an expensive wallet.
1 Surefire Fury - every couple of years I save up pennies to get a big addition. Last years was the fury. It is awesome. Here electricity is sketchy and it is dark 12 hours a day guaranteed. No one every complains about to much illumination.. Just not enough. 
1 Set of keys on carabiner- Emergency keys for fuel dump, backup generator, HAZMAT storage, hangars,  a bump key for standard Peruvian 5 pin lock, an old Atwood prybar or two, and a mini led flashlight thingie that STAYS ON WHEN YOU SET IT DOWN. 
1 Antiquated but faithful IPhone3 ( that took this photo )- Big phone, great big antenna. Unlocked GSM to work anywhere in the world for pennies. Just add prepaid SIM. Searches for free WI-FI connection. Adequate Camera for sending photos of kids to grandparents. Charges anywhere. Auto syncs every time it connects - and self erases if stolen. Cheap online and trustworthy. No crying if you loose it or drop if in the river while working on the float-plane

1 comment:

  1. Led Flashlight and LED Lenser headlamps for that matter are not your everyday Led Flashlight and headlamps. These are high-quality Led Flashlight .
