PSK Contestant Entry #2

This kit comes from an Avid Hunter, Fisherman, and Outdoors-man from Virginia.

"I carry this kit around my neck when I'm hunting or fishing, it has the basic necessities and compliments the gear I normally carry."

"I keep all my gear in a waterproof plastic container that I got for a few bucks."

  • a few feet of paracord
  •  military whistle
  •  few feet of duct tape wrapped around the container
  •  paper clip
  • small fishing set to be used with the inner strings in the paracord
  • wire to make snares
  • Bic lighter
  • a flint rod
  • 3 tampons for tinder
  • Tube of Carmex to be used for chapped lips or accelerate for the tampons
  • tin foil to boil water or cook with
  • magnifying lens for fire making
  • button compass
  • small multi-tool that has a flashlight
  • 2 band-aids

Thanks for the entries, keep them coming guys. I'm ready to see some stiff competition. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you used up a lot of space with the carmax and tampons. Cotton Balls covered in PJ would be just as good. Or using tinder quick tabs they are much more compact
