Hennessy Hammock Review

I'm a huge fan of hammocks. I've had to sleep in some crappy places around the world. Sleeping in mud puddles or waking up with a Saw Scaled Viper cuddled up to me, is not cool. Hammocks also are much more comfortable, no matter how many ISO-mats you sleep on; the ground is still hard and flat.

Tom Hennessy developed the Hennessy Hammock. When Tom was 16 years old he would travel 200 miles on the weekends- via bike with minimal gear to the Appalachian Mountains. He had a WWII Army jungle hammock that he would bundle up and take with him. Tom loved this hammock, then in college a friend borrowed it and Tom never seen it again. So Tom decided after a few years to fabricate one off of his memory. Tom decided to solve the Army's jungle hammocks shortcomings, then Hennessy Hammock was formed.
The suspension lines will easily hold your gear,
to keep it off the ground
The model I tested was the Deluxe Explorer A-sym Classic. The model is designated as "classic" because it has Velcro closure instead of a zip closure. I prefer the Velcro model because zippers have and can malfunction.The entrance is a split section underneath the hammock. You climb in and lay back and the hammock seals.This is awesome for two reasons: 1. one you won't take a spill getting in or out of the hammock. 2. The Velcro also seals once you get in the hammock, just another effortless feature of the Hennessy Hammock. The only downfall is that you cannot sit in the hammock without the mosquito net; unless you sit on top of the mosquito net. So it can't be used as a chair like most hammocks with removable mosquito nets..

 This model is designed for individuals that are tall (6-7 ft) and anyone up to 300 lbs. I'm 6'1 and 205lbs and it felt very roomy.
Size comparison to my personal tent

The Deluxe Explorer A-sym Classic weighs about 3lbs 2oz's. It measures roughly close to a volleyball in the supplied stuff sack. Its much smaller than my personal tent-as shown above. So its definitely pack-able even for lightweight excursions. And no tent poles or stakes to deal with.

Hennessy Hammock is not just a hammock-its a Super Shelter. It really like being in a suspended tent. The A-sym or "Asymmetrical design" is probably what sets Hennessy Hammock in a league above the rest. Because of the A-sym design you are able to utilize all the room in the hammock; instead of being wrapped like a pig-in-blanket like in other hammocks. It allows a greater freedom of movement for the user.

Never sleep like a banana again: Another key feature is the "Perfect Set Curve". When laying on the diagonal of the suspension line, it allows the user to lie flat or on their side. This is impossible in all other hammocks on the market.

The Hennessy Hammock has No-See-Um netting encapsulating the entire hammock. The netting is very fine and will also help deflect wind; supplying you with a calm inside space.

The tree hugger nylon webbing straps will keep you from destroying trees. Although I would like to see them a little longer. I was able to still hang my hammock easily; but the straps did not reach around the entire circumference of the tree. The suspension lines give you many hanging options. This is a good addition because you don't want to be limited to a certain tree distance; when looking for a camp site. Since the suspension lines are rope; you will need to brush up on your knots. You may have to tie and untie your knots a few times to adjust the hammock (that's the only problem with rope suspension--although many hammocks come with rope suspension).

The included rain-fly is a great piece of gear. It can be used with or without the hammock. String it up if you just need a shade or rain tarp with some 550 cord. It has a 4 point anchor system and can be configured in many ways to deflect wind or rain from different directions. If the weather is really bad; you can cocoon the hammock with it.

Inside the hammock their is a ridge line holding up the No-See-Um netting with an attached pocket and a few clips. The pocket or clips can be used to attach a light for task while inside the hammock. There was still quite a bit of room and the gear clips allow for gear to also be stowed within the hammock.

This hammock can be made into a 4-Season hammock with underquilts/pads and such that can be found online or the Hennessy Hammock website.

It only takes about 2-3 minutes to set up. With the included Snake Skins it's even faster to take down (you can see the snake skin demo in the video review).

It's fairly conveniant to set up with the Snake Skins.  The Hennessy Hammock is very comfortable. In the video I say that its like a condo, and it really is. Many tents and other hammocks have shortcomings and downfalls. The Hennessy Hammock, at least during my testing had none that I could see (no need to find a flat stretch to set up your tent). If you go on any remote trips, or military personal serving abroad, or anyone that ventures in the outdoors.You should invest in the Hennessy Hammock. You wont be disappointed.
I will continue using the Hennessy Hammock and periodically update on its servicability

This model retails for $199. http://hennessyhammock.com/catalog/#hammock

Check out the video review:

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