Black Scout Quick Tips - How to Waterproof Matches

In this episode, we demonstrate the best way to waterproof strike anywhere matches.  These types of matches are best for survival situations as they can still be struck without the striking surface on the box.  Waterproofing them is a good idea.  Hope you like this quick tip and thanks for watching!

1 comment:

  1. When you know how to waterproof matches you don't have to worry about staying in the wilderness without a fire to keep you safe from the animals, warm, and not hungry. But, for when you are short on time and can't manage to waterproof them yourself, the factory waterproofed matches will get the job done just as well as the DIY ones. Therefore, I suggest checking out an article that talks about waterproof matches, and also offers reviews of some of the best brands on the market. You can check it out here:
